For clarity, insight and wisdom
This Peace guided mediation will allow you to feel a sense of clarity and inner peace. The Peace Balm of Serenity is ideal for any sort of meditation but will maximise the results of this Peace meditation. The Peace Body & Massage Oil and Peace Candle are also great tools to help you feel grounded and tranquil instantly.
I would like you to focus on your breathing just for a while - breathing slow long deep breaths from the belly – in and out.
As you do you may be aware of other noises that surround you - inside or outside your room but you can just disregard them, because the only thing of importance right now is YOU - as you allow yourself this time to relax - to drift, dream, and travel deep within to a place PEACE, truth and acceptance.
As your mind is drifting and dreaming - I want you to imagine; visualise or get a sense of walking along a forest path with oak trees lining either side.
This is no ordinary forest – this is an ancient forest – full of wisdom. The trees that line your path – have stored within them – years of truth and wisdom.
They stand tall, proud, and strong – as they guide and protect you – along your way.
As you walk through this magical forest taking in the sights and sounds that surround you
The birds gently singing- the rustling of the leaves - the suns healing rays shining through the trees - onto your face and body - the earthy aromas that fill the air – that of moss and benzoin.
You feel an instant state of peace - you feel balanced; safe and protected.
Although you have not walked this path before – you feel a sense of belonging and safety here.
You feel a deep sense of acceptance and TRUST. Knowing that whatever you are faced with – you have within you – all the answers – to all the questions – you could ever have.
As you continue walking along the path enjoying this feeling of peace within you notice as you approach the end of the path – an ancient oak tree – larger than all the rest – stands in your way.
Within the tree – is an opening – large enough for you to enter.
This is a wise old oak tree - which has witnessed many events over the years -filling it full of insight and wisdom.
Now I want you to step inside the tree and sit down on the grass that grows within the tree – feeling safe, comfortable, and relaxed.
This is a special tree – a place where you feel connected – and at peace. A place you can visit when you need clarity or guidance.
You can ask the tree any question you may have regarding a current concern, worry or fear – and the answer will be given – in a beautiful, gentle voice of love and wisdom.
Even if you do not have a question – it is a perfect place of clarity or reflection – a place you can come – to share your thoughts, feelings, or ideas. A place where there is no judgement – just a space full of love, compassion and understanding.
Here you feel a deeper connection to yourself – spirit and the earth. With every breath you take here – you feel more grounded – more connected - more at peace.
Any you can spend a moment or two here – fully absorbing the feeling of inner stillness.
Now it is time to leave this magical place – walking away with a sense of clarity and upliftment.
Knowing that you can return here whenever you need insight or clarity – or to feel a sense of peace.
Now it is time to bring your awareness back to your body and the room around you.
When you awaken you will feel alert and revitalised, with a sense of wellbeing throughout your mind, body, and soul.
Maybe start to wiggle your fingers and toes a little.
Now take three long deep breaths – in and out and when you are ready slowly and gently open your eyes.
Self-Love and Acceptance
Self-Love is the most important love of them all. Follow this guided meditation while using your Love bath oil, Love Body & Massage Oil, Love Body Cream or a Love Candle and embrace in Self-Love and acceptance.
I would like you to focus on your breathing just for a while - breathing slow long deep breaths from the belly – in and out.
You may be aware of other noises that surround you - inside or outside your room but you can just disregard them, because the only thing of importance right now is YOU - as you allow yourself this time to relax - to drift, dream, and travel deep within to a space of acceptance, creativity, and love.
As your mind is drifting and dreaming - I want you to imagine; visualise or get a sense of opening a door which leads you into a beautiful rose garden.
As soon as you enter this rose garden you are captivated by the aromas of Rose, Jasmine, and Patchouli.
I want you to find somewhere in the garden to sit for a while amongst the roses – as you allow yourself the time for reflection.
The garden is filled with roses of many colours and sizes, but each one is perfect. With their own unique colour and aroma.
As you care for your rose garden – filling it full of love and warmth – the flowers will start to bloom – showing their beautiful petals – one by one.
You surrender to the endless love that surrounds you in this beautiful space – you feel an immediate sense of acceptance here.
A warm glow of love and light envelopes you – healing your heart and nourishing your soul - encouraging a greater sense of compassion for yourself and others, and the courage and confidence to pursue whatever life goals you desire.
Your heart feels full of love here – knowing that you are perfect – just as you are right now. There is no one quite like YOU.
Knowing that – the more you love and accept yourself – the more love you will allow into your life.
Knowing – like the roses – YOU TOO – will bloom and grow – with a little love, warmth, and care.
As you leave this sacred space today – your heart is full of love and acceptance for yourself, others, and your world around you. Knowing that you are love – and you are loved.
Now it is time to bring your awareness back to your body and the room around you.
When you awaken you will feel alert and revitalised, with a sense of wellbeing throughout your mind, body, and soul.
Start to move your body – maybe wiggle your fingers and toes a little.
Now take three long deep breaths – in and out and when you are ready slowly and gently open your eyes