Swirl a clean finger over the surface of the balm, dab gently onto pulse points, and inhale deeply. Repeat the mantra “I connect to my deep self. I connect to the peace energy of Mother Earth.”
You can use this balm in meditation. Take a small portion of the balm and massage it on your hands. Cup your hands over your eyes and nose and inhale deeply. Let the grounding scent wash away all your concerns, breathe deeply, and start your chakra meditation. You can also do this simple inhalation ritual whenever you need a pick-me-up or a boost as you go about your day.
You can use this balm in meditation. Take a small portion of the balm and massage it on your hands. Cup your hands over your eyes and nose and inhale deeply. Let the grounding scent wash away all your concerns, breathe deeply, and start your chakra meditation. You can also do this simple inhalation ritual whenever you need a pick-me-up or a boost as you go about your day.